Please note not all lab alumni thesis are available.
Seasonal dynamics of juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in wetlands of the North Thompson River, British Columbia
Drivers and consequences of life-history variation in steelhead trout
Forestry influences on instream salmon habitat and the implications for watershed management
Range-wide life-history diversity and climate exposure in Chinook salmon
Linking estuary rearing habitats to migration traits, behaviour, and survival of juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch)
Climate change and glacier retreat in salmon watersheds
Connecting physiological condition with salinity preference behaviour to infer estuary habitat choice in sockeye salmon smolts (Oncorhynchus nerka)
Improving the uptake of citizen science environmental monitoring data by resource management agencies through co-development of data management plans
Regimes of river temperature and flow in an interior watershed, and their implications for Chinook salmon
River network structuring of climate and landscape effects in salmon watersheds
The effects of natural and anthropogenic disturbance in lotic ecosystems
The evolution, ecology, and restoration of anadromy in rainbow trout/steelhead Oncorhynchus mykiss
Environmental change and sockeye salmon life histories across space and time
Juvenile salmon use of estuaries: investigating food web ecology, growth, and residency
Abiotic and biotic dimensions of habitat for juvenile salmon and other fishes in the Skeena River estuary
Migratory diversity of juvenile salmon in a threatened estuary
Fish Assemblages and Potential Barriers in Urban Streams
Floodgate Operations and Implications for Tidal Creek Fish Communities
Spatial distribution of isotopes in juvenile coho salmon across an estuary ecocline