Stable Isotope Mixing Models
Example Papers
Semmens, B.X., E.J. Ward, A.C. Parnell, D.L. Phillips, S. Bearhop, R. Inger, A. Jackson, and J.W. Moore. 2013. Statistical basis and outputs of stable isotope mixing models: Comment on Fry (2013). Marine Ecology Progress Series 490: 285-289. (PDF)
Ward, E.J., B.X. Semmens, D.L. Phillips, J.W. Moore, and N. Bouwes. 2011. A quantitative approach to combine sources in stable isotope mixing models. Ecosphere 2(2): 1-11. doi:10.1890/ES10-00190.1. (PDF).
Semmens, B.X., E.J. Ward, J.W. Moore, and C.T. Darimont. 2009. Quantifying inter- and intra-population niche variability using hierarchical Bayesian stable isotope mixing models. PLoS ONE 4(7): e6187. (PDF).
Moore, J.W., and B.X. Semmens**. 2008. Incorporating uncertainty and prior information in stable isotope mixing models. Ecology Letters 11(5): 470-480. (PDF).