Sean Naman

Understanding the cumulative effects of land use and climate change on salmon watersheds
I am generally interested in better understanding how physical habitat structure (and human-driven changes to it) influences ecological processes across organizational scales (e.g., individuals, populations, and whole food webs). Much of my previous work has focused on relating stream channel structure and hydrology to the foraging, energetics, and growth of stream-rearing salmon. Some past projects include: (1) determining the influence of geomorphology and streamflow on salmon prey availability; (2) understanding constraints on productive capacity (i.e., the number of fish that a given stream can support); and (3) developing bioenergetics-based habitat suitability models for instream flow management.
My postdoctoral work with the salmon watersheds lab will expand on some of these general themes, but through a wider lens. Specifically, I will examine the cumulative effects of multiple anthropogenic stressors on watersheds supporting Pacific salmon.
Get in touch via my website.