Sara Tremblay-Boyer

Scientific foundations for the re-emergence of sustainable terminal salmon fisheries.
Pacific salmon have been at the core of most of the projects I have been involved in, and I am interested in applying a social-ecological approach to fisheries management and salmon conservation research.
The goals of my proposed research project are to quantify trade-offs between conservation risk and harvest opportunity for mixed-stock and terminal fisheries, and to create a set of scientific tools and guidelines to support a transition toward adaptive management of terminal fisheries through a community-based program on the Koeye River. In order to support adaptive management of fisheries, I will be working collaboratively with Heiltsuk HIRMD technicians and Dr. William Atlas to implement a tagging project designed to generate in-season estimates of spawner abundances from video-based mark-recapture.
The overall health of coastal communities is directly linked to the availability and accessibility of local and sustainable food, such as salmon, thus I hope findings from my research project will provide tools to reduce economic and ecological barriers to access traditional food.
What's next for Sara?
Working as a Salmon Biologist for Heiltsuk Integrated Resource Management Department (HIRMD)