Salmon Biodiversity & Dynamics
Example Papers
Price, M.H.H., B.M. Connors, J.R. Candy, B. McIntosh, T.D. Beacham, J.W. Moore and J.D. Reynolds. 2019. Genetics of century-old fish scales reveal population patterns of decline. Conservation Letters. e12669. doi: (PDF).
Bailey, C.J., D.C. Braun, D. McCubbing, J.D. Reynolds, B. Ward, T.D. Davies, and J.W. Moore. 2018. The roles of extrinsic and intrinsic factors in the freshwater life-history dynamics of a migratory salmonid. Ecosphere 9(9): e02397. doi: 10.1002/ecs2.2397 (link). (PDF).
Atlas, W.I., Housty, W.G., Béliveau, A., DeRoy, B., Callegari, G., Reid, M., and J.W., Moore. 2017. Ancient fish weir technology for modern stewardship: lessons from community-based salmon monitoring.
Ecosystem Health and Sustainability 3(6): 1341284. (Link).
Moore, J.W., J.D. Yeakel, D. Peard, J. Lough, and M. Beere. 2014. Life-history diversity and its importance to population stability and persistence of a migratory fish: steelhead in two large North American watersheds. Journal of Animal Ecology 83(5): 1035-1046. (PDF; Summary).