Featured Science
Rapid riparian vegetation development and channel stabilization linked to glacier retreat
A new study highlights the rapid transformation of floodplain ecosystems driven by glacier retreat in a major salmon watershed across British Columbia and Alaska. In glacierized subwatersheds, floodplain vegetation nearly doubled over the past 38 years, indicating that the retreat of glaciers is fostering the development of stable, vegetated floodplains.
These changes are linked to reduced sediment loads, more stable river channels, and the creation of proglacial lakes, which dampen river flows and promote vegetation growth. In contrast, non-glacierized subwatersheds showed little long-term change despite rising temperatures and increased precipitation, suggesting that these areas maintain a dynamic yet stable equilibrium. These findings underscore the critical role of glacier retreat in shaping floodplain habitats, with implications for biodiversity, wildlife, and salmon populations.
Whited, D., Pitman, K. J., Moore, J. W., Sergeant, C. J., Sexton, E., & Connor, M. (2025). Rapid riparian vegetation development and channel stabilization linked to Glacier Retreat within a large transboundary watershed. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 50(1). https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.6045
Taking care of knowledge, taking care of salmon
This paper highlights the importance of Indigenous Data Sovereignty (IDS) in protecting ecosystems and empowering Indigenous Peoples to assert sovereignty over their territories. Focusing on the cumulative effects of climate change on salmon-bearing ecosystems in British Columbia, the paper draws from an online workshop with First Nations knowledge-holders and technical staff.
It offers practical steps for Indigenous governments to take control over their data, provides recommendations for external researchers to respect IDS, and encourages collaborative decision-making on data management. The paper addresses the vital role of data in fostering effective partnerships between Indigenous communities and researchers to address environmental challenges.
S.E. Cannon, J.W. Moore, M.S. Adams, T. Degai, E. Griggs, J. Griggs, T. Marsden, A.J. Reid, N. Sainsbury, K.M. Stirling, Axdii A. Yee S. Barnes, R. Benson, D. Burrows, Gala'game R. Chamberlin, B. Charley, D. Dick, A.T. Duncan, Kung Kayangas M. Liddle, M. Paul, N. Paul Prince, C. Scotnicki, K. Speck, J. Squakin, C. Van Der Minne, J. Walkus, K. West, Kii'iljuus B. Wilson, and The Indigenous Data Sovereignty Workshop Collective. (2024). Taking care of knowledge, taking care of salmon: towards Indigenous data sovereignty in an era of climate change and cumulative effects. FACETS. 9(): 1-21. https://doi.org/10.1139/facets-2023-0135

Whited, D., Pitman, K. J., Moore, J. W., Sergeant, C. J., Sexton, E., & Connor, M. (2025). Rapid riparian vegetation development and channel stabilization linked to Glacier Retreat within a large transboundary watershed. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 50(1). https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.6045
Naman, S. M., Pitman, K. J., Cunningham, D. S., Potapova, A., Chartrand, S. M., Sloat, M. R., & Moore, J. W. (2024). Forestry impacts on stream flows and temperatures: A quantitative synthesis of paired catchment studies across the Pacific salmon range. Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 5, e12328. https://doi.org/10.1002/2688-8319.12328
LoScerbo, D. C., Wilson, S. M., Robinson, K. A., Moore, J. W., & Patterson, D. A. (2024). Physiological condition infers habitat choice in juvenile sockeye salmon. Conserv Physiol, 12(1), coae011. https://doi.org/10.1093/conphys/coae011
Sergeant, C. J., Moore, J. W., Whited, D. C., Pitman, K. J., Connor, M., & Sexton, E. K. (2023). An interdisciplinary synthesis of floodplain ecosystem dynamics in a rapidly deglaciating watershed. Sci Total Environ, 169245. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.169245
S.E. Cannon, J.W. Moore, M.S. Adams, T. Degai, E. Griggs, J. Griggs, T. Marsden, A.J. Reid, N. Sainsbury, K.M. Stirling, Axdii A. Yee S. Barnes, R. Benson, D. Burrows, Gala'game R. Chamberlin, B. Charley, D. Dick, A.T. Duncan, Kung Kayangas M. Liddle, M. Paul, N. Paul Prince, C. Scotnicki, K. Speck, J. Squakin, C. Van Der Minne, J. Walkus, K. West, Kii'iljuus B. Wilson, and The Indigenous Data Sovereignty Workshop Collective. (2024). Taking care of knowledge, taking care of salmon: towards Indigenous data sovereignty in an era of climate change and cumulative effects. FACETS. 9(): 1-21. https://doi.org/10.1139/facets-2023-0135
Price, M. H. H., Moore, J. W., McKinnell, S., Connors, B. M., & Reynolds, J. D. (2024). Habitat modulates population-level responses of freshwater salmon growth to a century of change in climate and competition. Global Change Biology, 30, e17095. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.17095
Gross, P. L., Gan, J. C., Scurfield, D. J., Frank, C., Frank, C., McLean, C., Bob, C., & Moore, J. W. (2023). Complex temperature mosaics across space and time in estuaries: Implications for current and future nursery function for Pacific salmon. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10, 1278810. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmars.2023.1278810/full
Moore, J. W., Pitman, K. J., Whited, D., Marsden, N. T., Sexton, E. K., Sergeant, C. J., & Connor, M. (2023). Mining stakes claim on salmon futures as glaciers retreat. Science, 382(6673), 887-889. https://www.science.org/stoken/author-tokens/ST-1570/full
Ulaski, M. E., Warkentin, L., Naman, S. M., & Moore, J. W. (2023). Spatially variable effects of streamflow on water temperature and thermal sensitivity within a salmon-bearing watershed in interior British Columbia, Canada. River Research and Applications, 1–12. https://doi.org/10.1002/rra.4200
Wilson, Kyle L., Sawyer, Alexandra C., Potapova, Anna, Bailey, Colin J., LoScerbo, Daniella, Sweeney-Bergen, Elissa K., Hodgson, Emma E., et al. (2023). “ The Role of Spatial Structure in At-Risk Metapopulation Recoveries.” Ecological Applications e2898. https://doi.org/10.1002/eap.2898
Wilson, S. M., Moore, J. W., Ward, E. J., Kinsel, C. W., Anderson, J. H., Buehrens, T. W., Carr-Harris, C. N., Cochran, P. C., Davies, T. D., Downen, M. R., Godbout, L., Lisi, P. J., Litz, M. N., Patterson, D. A., Selbie, D. T., Sloat, M. R., Suring, E. J., Tattam, I. A., & Wyatt, G. J. (2023). Phenological shifts and mismatch with marine productivity vary among Pacific salmon species and populations. Nature Ecology & Evolution. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41559-023-02057-1.
Atlas, W. I., Sloat, M. R., Satterthwaite, W. H., Buehrens, T. W., Parken, C. K., Moore, J. W., Mantua, N. J., Hart, J., & Potapova, A. (2023). Trends in chinook salmon spawner abundance and total run size highlight linkages between life history, geography and decline. Fish and Fisheries. https://doi.org/10.1111/faf.12750.
Wilson, S. M., Anderson, J. H., & Ward, E. J. (2023). Estimating phenology and phenological shifts with hierarchical modeling. Ecology. https://doi.org/10.1002/ecy.4061. [PDF].
Cunningham, D. S., Braun, D. C., Moore, J. W., & Martens, A. M. (2023). Forestry influences on salmonid habitat in the North Thompson River watershed, British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. https://doi.org/10.1139/cjfas-2022-0255. [PDF].
Rosenfeld J, Gonzalez-Espinosa P, Jarvis L, Enders E, Bayly M, Paul A, MacPherson L, Moore J, Sullivan M, Ulaski M, Wilson K. Stressor-response functions as a generalizable model for context dependence. Trends Ecol Evol. 2022 Oct 13:S0169-5347(22)00230-0. doi: 10.1016/j.tree.2022.09.010. [PDF]
Bailey, C.J, K. L. Wilson, M.M. O’Ferrall, and J.W. Moore. Fish length back-calculation from scales: advancing methodology and correction of bias. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. e-First https://doi.org/10.1139/cjfas-2021-0270 [PDF]
Wilson, S.M., Patterson, D.A., Moore, J.W. 2022. Intra- and inter-population variation in sensitivity of migratory sockeye salmon smolts to phenological mismatch. Marine Ecology Progress Series 692:119 – 136. doi: 10.3354/meps14070. [PDF]
Sergeant, C. J., E. K. Sexton, J. W. Moore, A. R. Westwood, S. A. Nagorski, J. L. Ebersole, D. M. Chambers, S. L. O’Neal, R. L. Malison, F. R. Hauer, D. C. Whited, J. Weitz, J. Caldwell, M. Capito, M. Connor, C. A. Frissell, G. Knox, E. D. Lowery, R. Macnair, V. Marlatt, J. K. McIntyre, M. V. McPhee, N. Skuce. Risks of mining to salmonid-bearing watersheds. Science Advances 8, eabn0929. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abn0929. [PDF]
Moore, J.W., D.E. Schindler. 2022. Getting ahead of climate change for ecological adaptation and resilience. Science. doi: 10.1126/science.abo3608. [PDF]
Gutzmann S.B., E. E. Hodgson, D. Braun, J.W. Moore, and R.A. Hovel. Predicting fish weight using photographic image analysis: a case study of broad whitefish in the lower Mackenzie River watershed. Arctic Science. e-First https://doi.org/10.1139/as-2021-0017. [PDF]
Warkentin, L., Parken, C. K., Bailey, R., & Moore, J. W. (2022). Low summer river flows associated with low productivity of chinook salmon in a watershed with shifting hydrology. Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 3, e12124. https://doi.org/10.1002/2688-8319.12124. [PDF]
Wilson, K. L., Bailey, C. J., Davies, T. D., & Moore, J. W. (2021). Marine and freshwater regime changes impact a community of migratory Pacific salmonids in decline. Global Change Biology, 28, 72– 85. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.15895. [PDF]
Wilson, S.M., Hinch, S.G., Patterson, D.A. et al. Estimating Adult Pacific Salmon Energy Use in Coastal British Columbia and the Fraser River Estuary with Acoustic Accelerometer Transmitters. Estuaries and Coasts 45, 2134–2150 (2022). doi: 10.1007/s12237-022-01055-z. [PDF]
Warkentin, L., C. Parken, R. Bailey, and J.W. Moore. 2021. Shifting flow regimes erode the productivity of imperiled Chinook salmon. Ecological Solutions and Evidence. https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/2688-8319.12124. (PDF.)
Pitman, K.J., Moore, J.W., Huss, M. et al. Glacier retreat creating new Pacific salmon habitat in western North America. Nat Commun 12, 6816 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-26897-2. (PDF.)
Pitman, K.J., and J.W. Moore. 2021. The role of large, glaciated tributaries in cooling an important Pacific salmon migration corridor: a study of the Babine River. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 104: 1263–1277. doi: 10.1007/s10641-021-01152-1. (PDF).
Wilson, K.L., Bailey, C.J., Davies, T.D. and J.W. Moore. 2021. Marine and freshwater regime changes impact a community of migratory Pacific salmonids in decline. Global Change Biology. 00: 1–14. doi: 10.1111/gcb.15895. (PDF).
Sharpe, C., J.W. Moore, C. Carr-Harris, and K. Butts (editors). 2021. Skeena River Estuary Synthesis Report. 256 pages. (PDF)
Dey, C.J., A.I. Rego, M.J. Bradford, K.D. Clarke, K. McKercher, N.J. Mochnacz, A. de Paiva, K. Ponader, L. Robichaud, A.K. Winegardner, C. Berryman, P.J. Blanchfield, C.M. Boston, D. Braun, J.W. Brownscombe, C. Burbidge, S. Campbell, A. Cassidy, C. Chu, S.J. Cooke, D. Coombs, J. Cooper, A. Curry, M. Cvetkovic, A. Demers, M. Docker, A. Doherty, S.E. Doka, K. Dunmall, B. Edwards, E.C. Enders, N. Fisher, M. Gauthier-Ouellet, W. Glass, L.N. Harris, C. Hasler, J. Hill, S.G. Hinch, E.E. Hodgson, J. Hwang, K.M. Jeffries, L. King, R. Kiriluk, R. Knight, A. Levy, J. MacDonald, R. Mackereth, R. McLaughlin, C.K. Minns, J.W. Moore, K. Nantel, C. Nessman, C. Normand, C.M. O’Connor, J. Paulic, L. Phalen, J. Post, T.C. Pratt, S.M. Reid, C.A. Rose, J. Rosenfeld, K.E. Smokorowski, D. Sooley, M.K. Taylor, J. Treberg, J. Trottier, T.D. Tunney, M-P. Veilleux, D.A. Watkinson, D. Watts, K. Winfield, J.P. Ziegler, J.D. Midwood, and M.A. Koops. 2021. Research priorities for the management of freshwater fish habitat in Canada. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. doi: 10.1139/cjfas-2021-0002. (PDF).
Moore, J.W., Connors, B.M., and E.E. Hodgson. 2021. Conservation risks and portfolio effects in mixed-stock
fisheries. Fish and Fisheries. 00: 1–17. doi: 10.1111/faf.12567. (PDF).
Wilson, S., K. Robinson, S. Gutzmann, J.W. Moore, and D. Patterson. 2021. Limits on performance and survival during long distance migration of juvenile sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka): a laboratory-based study. Conservation Physiology. 9(1): coab014. doi: 10.1093/conphys/coab014. (PDF).
Wilson, J.M., W.M. Housty, K. Wilson, W. Atlas, J.W. Moore, and N. Ban. 2021. Mixed-stock fishing methods and low salmon returns intensify barriers and costs to access for Indigenous fisheries. FACETS. 6(1): 592–613. doi:10.1139/ facets-2020-0080. (PDF).
Steel, J.R., Atlas, W.I., Bana, N.C., Wilson, K.L., Wilson, J., Housty, W.G., and J.W. Moore. 2021. Understanding barriers, access, and management of marine mixed-stock fisheries in an era of reconciliation: Indigenous-led salmon monitoring in British Columbia. FACETS. 6: 592–613. doi:10.1139/ facets-2020-0080. (PDF).
Sweeney-Bergen, Macintyre, D., and J.W. Moore. 2021. Ontogenetic habitat shifts and vulnerability:
lake-outlet-spawning sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) sensitivity to habitat connectivity and hydrologic change. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 104(4): 383–399. doi: 10.1007/s10641-021-01071-1. (PDF).
Weidman, R., T. Maguire, S. Mundle, J.W. Moore, K. Chezik, and D. Selbie. 2021. Elevated levels of sulfur, nitrogen, and fluoride in small coastal streams near an aluminum smelter in north coastal British Columbia: a reply. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 193(4): 212. doi: 10.1007/s10661-021-08973-8
Price, M., K. Wilson, B. Connors, J.W. Moore, and J. Reynolds. 2021. Portfolio simplification arising from a century of change in salmon population diversity and artificial production. Journal of Applied Ecology. 58(7): 1477–1486. doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.13835. (PDF).
Wilson, S.M., Buehrens, T.W., Fisher, J.L., Wilson, K.L., and J.W. Moore. 2021. Phenological mismatch, carryover effects, and marine survival in a wild steelhead trout Oncorhynchus mykiss population. Progress in Oceanography. 193: e102533. doi: 10.1016/j.pocean.2021.102533. (PDF).
Atlas, W.I., Seitz, K.M., Jorgenson, J.W.N., Millard-Martin, B., Housty, W.G., Ramos-Espinoza, D., Burnett, N.J., Reid, M., and J.W. Moore. 2021. Thermal sensitivity and flow-mediated migratory delays drive climate risk for coastal sockeye salmon. FACETS. 6(1): 71–89. doi: 10.1139/facets-2020-0027. (PDF).
Atlas, W.I., J. Housty, E. White, W.G. Housty, C. Service, L. Greba, S. Harrison, S. Greening, K.I.R. Butts, W.M. Shepert, C. Sharpe, E. S.-B., D. Macintyre, A. Tuohy, A.J. Reid, N. Morven, J.W. Moore, K. Connors, N.C. Ban, and M.R. Sloat. 2020. Indigenous systems of management for culturally and ecologically resilient Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) fisheries. BioScience. doi: 10.1093/biosci/biaa144. (link) (PDF).
Seitz, K.M., W.I. Atlas, B. Millard-Martin, J. Reid, J. Heavyside, B.P.V. Hunt, and J.W. Moore. 2020. Size-spectra analysis in the estuary: assessing fish nursery function across a habitat mosaic. Ecosphere. 11(11): e03291. doi: 10.1002/ecs2.3291. (PDF).
Bailey, C.J., and J.W. Moore. 2020. Resource pulses increase the diversity of successful competitors in a multi-species stream fish assemblage. Ecosphere. 11(9): e03211. doi: 10.1002/ecs2.3211. (link) (PDF).
Hodgson, E.E., R. Hovel, E. Ward, S. Lord, and J.W. Moore. 2020. Migratory diversity in an Arctic fish supporting subsistence harvest. Biological Conservation. 248: 108685. doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2020.108685. (link).
Maguire, T., R. Weidman, S. Mundle, J.W. Moore, K. Chezik, and D. Selbie. 2020. Direct and indirect effects of sulfur deposition on stream exports in North Coastal British Columbia. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 192: 568. doi: 10.1007/s10661-020-08493-x (link).
Vierros, M.K., A.-L. Harrison, M. Sloat, G. Ortuno, J.W. Moore, D. Dunn, Y. Ota, A. Cisneros, G. Shillinger, T.K. Watson, and H. Govan. 2020. Considering Indigenous Peoples and local communities in governance of the global ocean commons. Marine Policy.119: e104039. doi: 10.1016/j.marpol.2020.104039 (PDF).
Walsh, J., K. Connors, E. Hertz, L. Kehoe, T. Martin, B. Connors, M. Bradford, C. Freshwater, A. Frid, J. Halverson, J.W. Moore, M. Price, and J. Reynolds. 2020. Prioritizing conservation actions for Pacific salmon in Canada. Journal of Applied Ecology. (PDF).
Sawyer, A.C., Moore, J.W., Schindler, D.E., Westley, P.A.H. 2020. Connecting Salmon Science in an Era of Global Change. Fisheries Magazine 45(4): 214-215. doi: 10.1002/fsh.10432 (link).
Atlas, W.I., Selbie, D.T., Holt, C.A., Cox-Rogers, S., Carr-Harris, C., Pitman, K.J., Moore, J.W. 2020. Landscape and biophysical controls of lake productivity to inform evaluation of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) populations in data-limited regions. Limnology and Oceanography 9999: 1-15. doi: 10.1002/lno.11448 (PDF).
Sexton, E.K., Sergeant, C.J., Moore, J.W., Westwood, A.R., Chambers, D.M., McPhee, M.V., Nagorski, S.A., O'Neal, S.L., Weitz, J., Berchtold, A., Capito, M., Frissell, C.A., Hamblen, J., Hauer, R.F., Jones, L.A, Knox, G., MacNair, R., Malison, R.L., Marlatt, V., McIntyre, J., Skuce, N., Whited, D.C. 2020. Canada's mines pose transboundary risks. Science 368(6489): 376-377. (link).
Pitman, K.J., Moore, J.W., Sloat, M.R., Beaudreau, A.H., Bidlack, A.L., Brenner, R.E., Hood, E.W., Pess, G.R., Mantua, N.J., Milner, A.M., Radić, V. Reeves, G.H, Schindler, D.E., and D.C. Whited. 2020. Glacier retreat and Pacific salmon. BioScience 70(3): 220-236. doi: 10.1093/biosci/biaa015 (PDF).
Hodgson, E.E., Wilson, S. and J.W. Moore. 2020. Changing estuaries and impacts on juvenile salmon: a systematic review. Global Change Biology 00: 1-16. doi: 10.1111/gcb.14997 (link) (PDF).
Muñoz, J.D.,J.W. Moore and B.D. Neff. 2019. Science. 366(6465): 582. doi: 10.1126/science.aaz3914 (PDF)
Price, M.H.H., B.M. Connors, J.R. Candy, B. McIntosh, T.D. Beacham, J.W. Moore and J.D. Reynolds. 2019. Genetics of century-old fish scales reveal population patterns of decline. Conservation Letters. e12669. doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/conl.12669 (PDF).
Sharpe, C., C. Carr-Harris, M. Arbeider, S.M. Wilson, and J.W. Moore. 2019. Estuary habitat associations for juvenile Pacific salmon and pelagic fish: Implications for coastal planning processes. Aquatic Conservation Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 1-21. doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/aqc.3142 (PDF).
Bailey, C.J., L.C. Andersson, M. Arbeider, K. Bradford, and J.W. Moore. 2019. Salmon egg subsidies and interference competition among stream fishes. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 1-12. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10641-019-00880-9 (PDF).
Arbeider, M., C. Sharpe, C. Carr-Harris, and J.W. Moore. 2019. Integrating prey dynamics, diet, and biophysical factors across an estuary seascape for four fish species. Marine Ecology Progress Series 613: 151-169. doi: https://doi.org/10.3354/meps12896 (PDF).
Westwood, A.R., M. Olszynski, C.H. Fox, A.T. Ford, A.L. Jacob, J.W. Moore, and W.J. Palen. 2019. The Role of Science in Contemporary Canadian Environmental Decision Making: The Example of Environmental Assessment. University of British Columbia Law Review, Forthcoming. (link), (PDF)
Pitman, K.J., S.M. Wilson, E.K. Sweeney-Bergen, P. Hirshfield, M.C. Beere, and J.W. Moore. 2018. Linking anglers, fish, and management in a catch-and-release steelhead trout fishery. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. doi: 10.1139/cjfas-2018-0080 (link).
Bailey, C.J., D.C. Braun, D. McCubbing, J.D. Reynolds, B. Ward, T.D. Davies, and J.W. Moore. 2018. The roles of extrinsic and intrinsic factors in the freshwater life-history dynamics of a migratory salmonid. Ecosphere 9(9): e02397. doi: 10.1002/ecs2.2397 (link), (PDF)
Carr-Harris, C.N., J.W. Moore, A.S. Gottesfeld, J.A. Gordon, W. M. Shepert, J.D.J. Henry Jr., H.J. Russell, W.N.B. Helin, D.J. Doolan, and T.D. Beacham. 2018. Phenological diversity of salmon smolt migration timing within a large watershed. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 147(5): 775-790. doi: 10.1002/tafs.10068 (PDF)
Seifert, R.E. and J.W. Moore. 2018. Floodgate operations and fish communities in tidal creeks of the lower Fraser River (British Columbia, Canada). Estuaries and Coasts 41(4):1206-1221. 10.1007/s12237-017-0313-3 (Link), (PDF)
Warkentin, L., C. Favaro, D.C. Scott, R.E. Siefert, and J.W. Moore. 2018. Urban planning for fishes: untangling a new project's effects from old infrastructure and regional patterns. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. dx.doi.org/10.1139/cjfas-2017-0354 (link), (PDF)
Yeakel, J.D., J.P. Gibert, T. Gross, P.A.H. Westley, and J.W. Moore. 2018. Eco-evolutionary dynamics, density-dependent dispersal and collective behaviour: implications for salmon metapopulation robustness. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 373: 20170018. dx.doi.org/10.1098/rstb.2017.0018 (PDF)
Jacob, A.L., J.W. Moore, C.H. Fox, E.J. Sunter, D. Gauthier, A.R. Westwood, and A.T. Ford. 2018. Cross-sectoral input for the potential role of science in Canada's environmental assessment. FACETS 3(1): 512-529. doi: 10.1139/facets-2017-0104 (Link), (PDF)
Moore, J.W., L. Nowlan, M. Olszynski, A.L. Jacob, B. Favaro, L. Collins, G.L.T. Williams-Davidson, and J. Weitz. 2018. Towards linking environmental law and science. FACETS 3(1): 375-391. doi: 10.1139/facets-2017-0106 (PDF)
Gross, L., A. Hettinger, J.W. Moore, and L. Neeley. 2018. Conservation stories from the front lines. PLoS Biol 16(2): e2005226. doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.2005226 (PDF)
Chezik, K.A., Anderson, S.C. and J.W. Moore. 2017. River networks dampen long-term hydrological signals of climate change. Geophysical Research Letters 44(14): 7256-7264. doi:10.1002/2017GL074376. (PDF)
Atlas, W.I., Housty, W.G., Béliveau, A., DeRoy, B., Callegari, G., Reid, M., and J.W., Moore. 2017. Ancient fish weir technology for modern stewardship: lessons from community-based salmon monitoring.
Ecosystem Health and Sustainability 3(6): 1341284. (Link)
Sergeant, C.J., Bellmore, J.R., McConnell, C. and J.W. Moore. 2017. High salmon density and low discharge create periodic hypoxia in coastal rivers. Ecosphere 8(6): e01846. doi: 10.1002/ecs2.1846 (PDF)
Brewitt, K.S., E.M. Danner and J.W. Moore. 2017. Hot eats and cool creeks: juvenile Pacific salmonids use mainstem prey while in thermal refuges. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 74(10): 1588-1602. doi: 10.1139/cjfas-2016-0395 (PDF)
Hussey, N.E., J.D. DiBattista, J.W. Moore, E.J. Ward, A.T. Fisk, S. Kessel, T.L. Guttridge, K.A. Feldheim, B.R. Franks, S.H. Gruber, O.C. Weideli and D.D. Chapman. 2017. Risky business for a juvenile marine predator? Testing the influence of foraging strategies on size and growth rate under natural conditions. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 284(1852): 20170166. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2017.0166 (PDF)
Moore, J.W. and J.D. Olden. 2017. Response diversity, non-native species, and disassembly rules buffer freshwater ecosystem processes from anthropogenic change. Global Change Biology 23(5): 1871-1880. doi:10.1111/gcb.13536 (PDF)
Moore, J.W., J. Gordon, C. Carr-Harris, A.S. Gottesfeld, S.M. Wilson, and J. H. Russell. 2016. Assessing estuaries as stopover habitats for juvenile Pacific salmon. Marine Ecology Progress Series 559: 201-215. (PDF)
Nesbitt, H.K. and J.W. Moore. 2016. Species and population diversity in Pacific salmon fisheries underpin indigenous food security. Journal of Applied Ecology 53(5): 1489–1499. (PDF)
Scott, D.C., M. Arbeider, J. Gordon, and J.W. Moore. 2016. Flood control structures in tidal creeks associated with reduction in nursery potential for native fishes and creation of hotspots for invasive species. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 73(7): 1138-1148. (PDF)
Phillis, C.C., J.W. Moore, M. Buoro, S.A. Hayes, J.C. Garza, and D.E. Pearse. 2016. Shifting thresholds: Rapid evolution of migratory life histories in steelhead/rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Journal of Heredity 107(1): 51-60. (PDF)
Braun, D.C., J.W. Moore, J. Candy, and R.E. Bailey. 2016. Population diversity in salmon: linkages among response, genetic and life history diversity. Ecography 39(3): 317-328. (PDF)
Moore, J.W., C. Carr-Harris, and J. Gordon. 2015. Salmon science as related to proposed development in the Skeena River estuary. Report to Lax Kw'alaams Band Council. (PDF)
Atlas, W.I., T.W. Buehrens, D.J. McCubbing, R. Bison, and J.W. Moore. 2015. Implications of spatial contraction for density dependence and conservation in a depressed population of anadromous fish. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 72(11): 1682-1693. (PDF)
Moore, J.W., C. Carr-Harris, A.S. Gottesfeld, D. MacIntyre, D. Radies, M. Cleveland, C. Barnes, W. Joseph, G. Williams, J. Gordon, and B. Shepert. 2015. Selling First Nations down the river. Science 349(6248): 596. (PDF)
Osterback, A.-M. K., D.M. Frechette, S.A. Hayes, S.A. Shaffer, and J.W. Moore. 2015. Long-term shifts in anthropogenic subsidies to gulls and implications for an imperiled fish. Biological Conservation 191: 606-613. (PDF)
Gordon, J., M. Arbeider, D. Scott, S.M. Wilson, and J.W. Moore. 2015. When the tides don't turn: floodgates and hypoxic zones in the lower Fraser River, British Columbia, Canada. Estuaries and coasts 38(6): 2337-2344. (PDF)
Favaro, C., and J.W. Moore. 2015. Fish assemblages and barriers in an urban stream network. Freshwater Science 34(3): 991-1005. (PDF)
Frechette, D., A.-M. K. Osterback, S.A. Hayes, J.W. Moore, S.A. Shaffer, M. Pavelka, C. Winchell, and J.T. Harvey. 2015. Assessing the relationship between gulls Larus spp. and Pacific salmon in Central California using radiotelemetry. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 35(4): 775-788. (PDF)
Moore, J.W. 2015. Bidirectional connectivity in rivers and implications for watershed stability and management. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 72: 785-795. (PDF)
Gordon, J., M. Arbeider, D. Scott, S.M. Wilson, and J.W. Moore. 2015. When the tides don't turn: floodgates and hypoxic zones in the Lower Fraser River, British Columbia, Canada. Estuaries and Coasts, 38: 2337-2344. (PDF)
Moore, J.W. 2015. Whole-systems perspectives in rivers: insights and implications. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 11(2): 335-336. (PDF)
Carr-Harris, C., A.S. Gottesfeld, and J.W. Moore. 2015. Juvenile salmon usage of the Skeena River estuary. PLoS ONE 10(3): e0118988. (PDF)
Anderson, S.A., J.W. Moore, M.M. McClure, N.K. Dulvy, and A.B. Cooper. 2015. Portfolio conservation of metapopulations under climate change. Ecological Applications 25(2): 559-572. (PDF)
Moore, J.W., M.P. Beakes, H.K. Nesbitt, J.D. Yeakel, D.A. Patterson, L.A. Thompson, C. Phillis, D. Braun, C. Favaro, D. Scott, C. Carr-Harris, and W. Atlas. 2015. Emergent stability in a large free-flowing watershed. Ecology 96(2): 340-347. (PDF).
Favaro, C., J.W. Moore, J.D. Reynolds, and M.P. Beakes. 2014. Potential loss and rehabilitation of stream longitudinal connectivity: fish populations in urban streams with culverts. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 71(12): 1805-1816. (PDF)
Osterback, A.-M. K. D.M. Frechette, S.A. Hayes, M.H. Bond, S.A. Shaffer, J.W. Moore. 2014. Linking individual size and wild and hatchery ancestry to survival and predation risk of threatened steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 71(12): 1877-1887. (PDF)
Phillips, D.L., R. Inger, S. Bearhop, A.L. Jackson, J.W. Moore, A.C. Parnell, B.X. Semmens and E.J. Ward. 2014. Best practices for use of stable isotope mixing models in food-web studies. Canadian Journal of Zoology 92(10): 823-835. (PDF)
McKone, M.J., J.W. Moore, C.W. Harbison, I.C. Holmen, H.C. Lyons, K.M. Nachbor, J.L. Michalak, M. Neiman, J.L. Nichol, and G.R. Wheeler. 2014. Rapid collapse of a population of Dieffenbachia spp., plants used for tadpole-rearing by a poison dart frog (Oophaga pumilio) in a Costa Rican rain forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology 30(6): 615-619 (PDF).
Beakes, M.P., J.W. Moore, S.A. Hayes, and S.M. Sogard. 2014. Wildfire and the effects of shifting stream temperature on salmonids. Ecosphere 5(5): 1-14. (PDF)
Moore, J.W., J.D. Yeakel, D. Peard, J. Lough, and M. Beere. 2014. Life-history diversity and its importance to population stability and persistence of a migratory fish: steelhead in two large North American watersheds. Journal of Animal Ecology 83(5): 1035-1046. (PDF; Summary)
Moore, J.W., T.D. Lambert, W.N. Heady, S.E. Honig, A-M.K. Osterback, C.C. Phillis, A.L. Quiros, N.A. Retford, and D.B. Herbst. 2014. Anthropogenic land-use signals propagate through stream food webs in a California, USA, watershed. Limnologica 46:124-130. (PDF)
Beakes, M.P., S. Sharron, R. Charish, J.W. Moore, W.H. Satterthwaite, E. Sturm, B.K. Wells, S.M. Sogard, and M. Mangel. 2014. Using scale characteristics and water temperature to reconstruct growth rates of juvenile steelhead Oncorhynchus mykiss. Journal of Fish Biology 84(1): 58-72. (PDF)
Yeakel, J.D., J.W. Moore, P.R. Guimaraes Jr, and M.A. de Aguiar. 2014. Synchronization and stability in river metapopulation networks. Ecology Letters 17(3): 273-283. (PDF)
Beakes, M.P., J.W. Moore, N. Retford, R. Brown, J.E. Merz, and S.M. Sogard. 2014. Evaluating statistical approaches to quantifying juvenile Chinook salmon habitat in a regulated California River. River Research and Applications 30(2): 180-191. (PDF)
Scott, D., J.W. Moore, L.-M. Herborg, C.C. Murray, and N.R. Serrao. 2013. A non-native snakehead fish in British Columbia, Canada: capture, genetics, isotopes, and policy consequences. Management of Biological Invasions 4(4): 265-271. (PDF)
Parnell, A.C., D.L. Phillips, S. Bearhop, B.X. Semmens, E.J. Ward, J.W. Moore, A.L. Jackson, J. grey, D.J. Kelly, and R.L. Inger. 2013. Bayesian stable isotope mixing models. Environmetrics 24(6): 387-399. (PDF)
Semmens, B.X., E.J. Ward, A.C. Parnell, D.L. Phillips, S. Bearhop, R. Inger, A. Jackson, and J.W. Moore. 2013. Statistical basis and outputs of stable isotope mixing models: Comment on Fry (2013). Marine Ecology Progress Series 490: 285-289. (PDF)
Osterback, A.-M., D.M. Frechette, A.O. Shelton, S.A. Hayes, M.H. Bond, S.A. Shaffer, and J.W. Moore. 2013. High predation on small populations: avian predation on imperiled salmonids. Ecosphere 4(9):1-21. (PDF)
Frechette, D., A.L. Collins, J.T. Harvey, S.A. Hayes, D.D. Huff, A.W. Jones, N.A. Retford, A.E. Langford, J.W. Moore, A.-M. Osterback, W.H. Satterthwaite, and S.A. Shaffer. 2013. A bioenergetics approach to assessing potential impacts of avian predation on juvenile steelhead during freshwater rearing. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 33(5):1024-1038.(PDF)
Heady, W.N., and J.W. Moore. 2013. Tissue turnover and stable isotope clocks to quantify resource shifts in anadromous rainbow trout. Oecologia 172(1): 21-34. (PDF)
Moore, K.D., and J.W. Moore. 2013. Ecological restoration and enabling behavior: a new metaphoric lens? Conservation Letters 6(1):1-5. (PDF)
Moore, J.W., S.M. Carlson, L.A. Twardochleb, J.L. Hwan, J.M. Fox, and S.A. Hayes. 2012. Trophic tangles through time? Opposing direct and indirect effects of an invasive omnivore on stream ecosystem processes. PLoS ONE 7(11): e50687. (PDF)
Frechette, D., A.-M. Osterback, S.A. Hayes, M.H. Bond, J.W. Moore, J.A. Shaffer, and J.T. Harvey. 2012. Assessing avian predation on juvenile salmonids using passive integrated transponder tag recoveries and mark-recapture methods. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 32(6): 1237-1250. (PDF)
Moore, J.W., D.B. Herbst, W.N. Heady, and S.M. Carlson. 2012. Stream community and ecosystem responses to the boom and bust of an invading snail. Biological Invasions 14(11): 2435-2446. (PDF)
Capps, K.A., C.L. Atkinson, A. Rugenski, C. Baxter, K.S. Boersma, C.C. Carey, P.B. McIntyre, J.W. Moore, W.H. Nowlin, and C.C. Vaughn. 2012. Organized oral session 44: impacts of species addition and species loss on ecosystem function in freshwater systems. The Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 93(4): 402-408. (PDF)
Twardochleb, L.A., M. Novak, and J.W. Moore. 2012. Using the functional response of a consumer to predict biotic resistance to invasive prey. Ecological Applications 22(4): 1162-1171. (Featured Cover Article; PDF)
Moore, J.W., S.A. Hayes, W. Duffy, S. Gallagher, C.J. Michel, and D. Wright. 2011. Nutrient fluxes and the recent collapse of coastal California salmon populations. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 68(7): 1161-1170. (PDF)
Novak, M., J.W. Moore, and R.A. Leidy. 2011. Nestedness patterns and the dual nature of community reassembly in California streams: a multivariate permutation-based approach. Global Change Biology 17(12): 3714-3724. (PDF)
Yeakel, J.D., M. Novak, P.R. Guimaraes Jr., N.J. Dominy, P.L. Koch, E.J. Ward, J.W. Moore, and B.X. Semmens. 2011. Merging resource availability with isotope mixing models: the role of neutral interaction assumptions. PLoS ONE 6(7): e22015. (PDF)
Ward, E.J., B.X. Semmens, D.L. Phillips, J.W. Moore, and N. Bouwes. 2011. A quantitative approach to combine sources in stable isotope mixing models. Ecosphere 2(2): 1-11. doi:10.1890/ES10-00190.1. (PDF)
2003 - 2010
Moore, J.W., M. McClure, L.A. Rogers, and D.E. Schindler. 2010. Synchronization and portfolio performance of threatened salmon. Conservation Letters 3(5): 340-348. (PDF)
Flecker, A.S., P.B. McIntyre, J.W. Moore, J.T. Anderson, B.W. Taylor, and R.O. Hall, Jr. 2010. Migratory fishes as material and process subsidies in riverine ecosystems. American Fisheries Society Symposium 73(2): 559-592. (PDF)
Moore, J.W., and D.E. Schindler. 2010. Spawning salmon and the phenology of emergence in stream insects. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 277: 1695-1703. (PDF)
Denton, K.P., H.B. Rich Jr., J.W. Moore, and T.P. Quinn. 2010. The utilization of a Pacific salmon Oncorhynchus nerka subsidy by three populations of charr Salvelinus spp. Journal of Fish Biology 77(4): 1006-1023. (PDF)
Yeakel, J.D., B.D. Patterson, K. Fox-Dobbs, M.M. Okumura, T.E. Cerling, J.W. Moore, P.L. Koch, and N.J. Dominy. 2009. Cooperation and individuality among man-eating lions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106(45): 19040-19043. (PDF)
Semmens, B.X., E.J. Ward, J.W. Moore, and C.T. Darimont. 2009. Quantifying inter- and intra-population niche variability using hierarchical Bayesian stable isotope mixing models. PLoS ONE 4(7): e6187. (PDF)
Zavaleta, E., J. Pasari, J.W. Moore, D. Hernandez, K.B. Suttle, and C.C. Wilmers. 2009. Ecosystem responses to community disassembly. The Year in Ecology and Conservation Biology 1162(1): 311-333. (PDF)
Semmens, B.X., J.W. Moore, and E.J. Ward. 2009. Improving Bayesian isotope mixing models: a response to Jackson et al. (2009). Ecology Letters 12(3): E6-E8. (PDF)
Moore, J.W., and B.X. Semmens**. 2008. Incorporating uncertainty and prior information in stable isotope mixing models. Ecology Letters 11(5): 470-480. (PDF)
Moore, J.W., and D.E. Schindler. 2008. Biotic disturbance and community dynamics in salmon-bearing streams. Journal of Animal Ecology 77: 275-284. (PDF)
Moore, J.W., D.E. Schindler, and C.P. Ruff*. 2008. Habitat saturation drives thresholds in stream subsidies. Ecology 89(2): 306-312. (PDF)
Moore, J.W., D.E. Schindler, J.L. Carter*, J.M. Fox*, J. Griffiths*, and G.W. Holtgrieve. 2007. Biotic control of stream ecosystem fluxes: spawning salmon drive nutrient and matter export. Ecology 88(5): 1278-1291. (PDF)
Scheuerell, M.D., J.W. Moore, D.E. Schindler, C.J. Harvey. 2007. Varying effects of anadromous salmon on the trophic ecology of resident stream fishes in Alaska. Freshwater Biology 52(10): 1944-1956. (PDF)
Moore, J.W. 2006. Animal ecosystem engineers of streams. BioScience 56(3): 237-246. (PDF)
Francis, T.B., D.E. Schindler, and J.W. Moore. 2006. Aquatic insects play a minor role in dispersing salmon-derived nutrients into riparian forests in southwestern Alaska. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63(11): 2543-2552. (PDF)
Brock, C.P., P.R. Leavitt, D.E. Schindler, S.P. Johnson, J.W. Moore, and P.D. Quay. 2006. Spatial variability of stable isotopes and fossil pigments in surface sediments of Alaskan coastal lakes: constraints on quantitative estimates of past salmon abundance. Limnology and Oceanography 51(4): 1637-1647. (PDF)
Payne, L.X., and J.W. Moore. 2006. Mobile scavengers create hotspots of biological productivity in freshwater ecosystems. Oikos 115(1): 69-80. (PDF)
Winder, M., D.E. Schindler, J.W. Moore, S.P. Johnson, and W.J. Palen. 2005. Do bears facilitate transfer of salmon resources to aquatic macroinvertebrates? Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62: 2285-2293. (PDF)
Moore, J.W., D.E. Schindler, and M.D. Scheuerell. 2004. Disturbance of freshwater habitats by anadromous salmon in Alaska. Oecologia 139(2): 298-308. (PDF)
Moore, J.W., J.L. Ruesink, and K.A. McDonald. 2004. Impact of supply-side ecology on consumer-mediated coexistence. The American Naturalist 163(3): 480-487. (PDF)
Moore, J.W., and D.E. Schindler. 2004. Nutrient export from freshwater systems by anadromous sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 61(9): 1582-1589. (PDF)
Moore, J.W., and G.J. Kenagy. 2004. Consumption of shrews, Sorex spp., by Arctic Grayling, Thymallus arcticus. Canadian Field-Naturalist 118(1): 111-114. (PDF)
Schindler, D.E., M.D. Scheuerell, J.W. Moore, S.M. Gende, T.B. Francis, and W.J. Palen. 2003. Pacific salmon and the ecology of coastal ecosystems. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 1(1): 31-37. (PDF)
Moore, K.D. and J.W. Moore. 2003. The Gift of Salmon. Discover: 45-49. (PDF)
Moore, J.W., D.E. Schindler, M.D. Scheuerell, D. Smith* and J. Frodge. 2003. Lake eutrophication at the urban fringe, Seattle region, USA. Ambio 32(1): 13-18. (PDF)
*undergraduate at time of research
**shared first authorship