Kirsten Bradford
How do we care for salmon streams? Social-ecological considerations for salmon habitat restoration.
With a background in marine and freshwater biology, and passion for community-led research, I am broadly interested in understanding how pairing biological and social science can support resilient ecosystems and communities. Having previously worked as a Research Assistant with the Salmon Watersheds Lab, I was involved in various projects, such as reviewing anthropogenic impacts to juvenile salmon in estuaries. Other social-ecological projects I have been involved in outside of the lab include mapping female fisheries collectives in Tanzania and research identifying barriers to women’s participation in the Tanzanian fisheries sector.
My Master’s research focuses on restoring connections between people and salmon through socially and ecologically conscious stream restoration practices. Specifically, I am working with the Haida Nation and other Indigenous collaborators to uphold Indigenous stream care-taking practices in the context of stream restoration today.
Get in touch at bradford [at] sfu.ca
What's next for Kirsten?
Working as a Sustainability Associate for Pinna Sustainability.