Anna Potapova
Climate change-induced phenological shifts in migratory sockeye salmon.
I am interested in the links and feedbacks between human activities and the natural resources that we rely on. My research will focus on the risks posed by climate change to the survival of sockeye salmon, a culturally and economically important fisheries resource. Current and future climate warming in the Fraser River has the potential to shift the timing of important life history events, such as upstream migration and spawning, across different populations of sockeye. For example, increases in peak summer water temperatures could force migration in some populations to happen earlier in the season, while others will experience migration later in the season. However, this kind of response to shifting thermal regimes in one life stage can have carry-over effects onto the timing of subsequent life history events, such as egg hatching. Using models that predict migration and egg development as a function of temperature, my goal to quantify these shifts and identify populations that are particularly vulnerable to climate change. This research will help fisheries managers make decisions for specific populations and will broadly illuminate climate risks in species with complex life-cycles.